Dice Code : 230203-22203,28704
+91-7000916402,9039077332    mgmdbsmorena@gmail.com
Head Office - Gayatri Colony and Branch Office - New Housing Board colony, Morena

Computer Lab

A computer lab is a setup or space where an entire class full can be taught important concepts like how to use computers, or how to do coding, etc. The students are usually trained by a trained computer teacher

Drinkin Water RO Systems

A reverse osmosis system removes sediment and chlorine from water with a prefilter before it forces water through a semipermeable membrane to remove dissolved solids. After water exits the RO membrane, it passes through a postfilter to polish the drinking water before it enters a dedicated fauce.


The school has proper transport arrangement for children. It will be the sole responsibility of the parents to escort ward to/from the assigned vehicle..

ClassRoom Teaching

Teaching methods are ways is where teachers relay information to students. There are many teaching methods, including Teachers, experiment class discussion and video taps. How even, not all teaching methods like these listed are equally. effective each has its own strengths and weakness, understanding there attributes will allow you to choose. The best method to present your classroom content. Extra coaching is given to the children.

Teacher Students Ratio - 1:30
Our classes will have limitation of 30 students in each class

Art & Crafts

The inner beauty of the child lies in his/her capacity to appreciate music, fine arts and dance, Dance teacher us the art of body language and its expression. The school Provide a healthy atmosphere to the students to have active participation in these activities


The music department boasts of a wide range of instruments such as Harmonium, Tabla, Sitar, Synthesizer, Piano, Electronic Guitar, Flute, Drum and Violin. The School offers facilities for both Western and Indian Classical Music - Vocal & Instrumental.

Medical Checkup

The Institution provides facility of rutin medical checkup for students. the school provides facilities First-Aid Also


"The Practice of Various Asans on a Regular Basis Leads to Correction of Posture, Enhances Flexibility and Improves Balance as it Brings equilibrium to the whole body. This is one of the amazing benefits of yoga in schools."


"Students are given extensive training for football, skating, volleyball, swimming and cricket. the School Provides Playgrounds of international size for these games. A Huge indoor Sports complex has been set up for training the students in Table Tennis, Chess, Carom, Badminton and many other indoor games."


Sports play a pivotal role in shaping one's personality and maintaining good health. We've specially developed a sports environment that matches international standards and gives a truly global experience to all our students. All of which is provided to them on the campus.


The School has got a rich Library with books an various subjects including text books. As the library as the nerve center of an educational institution. Every students encouraged to spend his leisure time in making use of the library for the school has arranged a proper library for the children four extra knowledge.

"Books Like a Friends
should b few Well Chooen"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Margaret Fuller

Educational Tour

The camping programs offers activities like rock climbing, rappelling, hiking, rope courses, crafts, educational workshops and debates. We have a team of trained professionals, staff and counselors, under whose watchful eyes the children perform all the activities they also provide personal support and mentoring to students by modeling positive, responsible behavior.


MGM School has well-stocked laboratories for Science, English, Home Science and Computer Science. Here students experience the joys of discovery while putting into practice the theoretical learning of the classroom.